

nvim-R | runit | model F | pacman | osprober | spotify | DVD | keys | e-post
β€’ Alt+Enter – Spawn terminal (the default terminal is st; run man st for more.)
β€’ Alt+Shift+Enter – Show/hide dropdown terminal
β€’ Alt+BackSpace – Shutdown menu
β€’ Alt+* – Show/hide dropdown calculator
β€’ Alt+q – Close window
β€’ Alt+d – dmenu (For running commands or programs without shortcuts)
β€’ Alt+D – passmenu (password manager)
β€’ Alt+\ – Select an emoji to copy to clipboard
β€’ Alt+(Number) – Go to that number tag
β€’ Alt+Shift+(Number) – Send window to that tag
β€’ Alt+Tab – Go to previous tag (may also use \ for Tab)
β€’ Alt+g – Go to left tag (hold shift to send window there)
β€’ Alt+; – Go to right tag (hold shift to send window there)
β€’ Alt+Left/Right – Go to another display
β€’ Alt+Shift+Left/Right – Move window to another display
Window navigation
β€’ Alt+Space – Make selected window the master (or switch master with 2nd)
β€’ Alt+o/O – Increase/decrease the number of master windows
β€’ Alt+j/k – Cycle thru windows by their stack order
β€’ Alt+h/l – Change width of master window
β€’ Alt+z/x – Increase/decrease gaps (may also hold Alt and scroll mouse)
β€’ Alt+a – Toggle gaps
β€’ Alt+A – Gaps return to default values (may also hold Alt and middle click)
β€’ Alt+b – Toggle statusbar (may also middle click on desktop)
β€’ Alt+f – Fullscreen mode
β€’ Alt+F – Floating (AKA normie) mode
β€’ Alt+s – Make/unmake a window β€œsticky” (follows you from tag to tag)
Window layouts
β€’ Alt+t – Tiling mode (active by default)
β€’ Alt+T – Bottom stack mode (just like tiling, bus master is on top)
β€’ Alt+y – Fibbonacci spiral mode
β€’ Alt+Y – Dwindle mode (similar to Fibbonacci)
β€’ Alt+u – Master on left, other windows in monocle mode
β€’ Alt+U – Monocle mode (all windows full screen and cycle through)
β€’ Alt+i – Center the master window
β€’ Alt+I – Center and float the master window
β€’ Alt+Shift+Space – Make a window float (move and resize with Alt+left/right click).
β€’ Alt+w – Search the web
β€’ Alt+W – nmtui (for connecting to wireless networks)
β€’ Alt+e – neomutt (email)
β€’ Alt+E – abook (addressbook)
β€’ Alt+r – lf (file explorer)
β€’ Alt+R – htop (task manager, system monitor that R*dditors use to look cool)
β€’ Alt+n – VimWiki (note taking tool)
β€’ Alt+N – newsboat (RSS reader)
β€’ Alt+m – ncmpcpp (music player)
β€’ Alt+c – calcurse (calendar)
β€’ Alt+p – Pause music
β€’ Alt+M – Mute sound
β€’ Alt+- – Volume down
Function keys
β€’ Alt+F1 – Show this document
β€’ Alt+F2 – Watch tutorial videos on a subject
β€’ Alt+F3 – Select screen/display to use
β€’ Alt+F4 – pulsemixer (audio mixer)
β€’ Alt+F5 – Upgrade system
β€’ Alt+F6 – Transmission torrent client
β€’ Alt+F7 – Toggle on/off transmission client via dmenu
β€’ Alt+F8 – Check mail & RSS
β€’ Alt+F9 – Mount a USB drive/hard drive or Android
β€’ Alt+F10 – Unmount a non-essential drive or Android
β€’ Alt+F11 – View webcam
β€’ Alt+F12 – Rerun keyboard mapping script if new keyboard is attached
β€’ PrtSc – Take a screenshot
β€’ Shift+PrtSc – Select area to screenshot
β€’ Alt+PrtSc – Opens dmenu menu to select kind of audio/video recording
β€’ Alt+Del – Kills any recording started in the above way
β€’ Alt+Shift+PrtSc – Kills any recording started in the above way
β€’ Alt+ScrollLock – Toggle screenkey (if installed) to show keypresses
ST keys (Super/Caps)
β€’ Super+l – Open link
β€’ Super+o – Copy terminal output
β€’ Super+y – Copy link
β€’ Super+c – Cut
β€’ Super+v – Paste
β€’ Super+j – Scroll up
β€’ Super+k – Scroll down
β€’ Super+a – Less transparency
β€’ Super+s – More transparency
β€’ Super+J – Enlage text
β€’ Super+K – Decrease text
ZSH keys
β€’ Ctrl+a – Terminal calculator
β€’ Ctrl+e – Edit command in VIM
β€’ Ctrl+f – Find directory (fzf)
β€’ Ctrl+g – Gallery (C-x+w to set wallpaper)
β€’ Ctrl+o – File explorer
VIM keys
β€’ ,,q – Toggle prose mode
β€’ ,ww – VimWiki (alternatively: ,v)
β€’ ,b – Bibliography
β€’ ,c – Compile
β€’ ,f – Toggle goyo
β€’ ,h – Hide statusbar
β€’ ,n – Nerd tree
β€’ ,o – Spell check
β€’ ,p – Open corresponding html/pdf
β€’ ,r – Bibliography refer
β€’ ,w – Set text width to 80 columns
β€’ C-h – Left
β€’ C-j – Down
β€’ C-k – Up
β€’ C-l – Right
β€’ S – Replace phrase
VIM spellcheck
β€’ zg – Add word to dictionary
β€’ zw – Remove word from dictionary
β€’ C-g – Goto current day
β€’ A – Rename
β€’ B – Bulk rename
β€’ b – Set as wallpaper
β€’ C – Copy to
β€’ M – Move to
β€’ D – Delete
β€’ E – Extract
β€’ V – Vim
β€’ x/X – Execute (sudo)
β€’ C-n – Make directory
β€’ C-r – Reload
β€’ C-s – Show/hide hidden files
β€’ Enter – Shell
β€’ U – Update database
β€’ m – Library
β€’ t – Tag editor
β€’ v – Visualization
β€’ . – Download lyrics
β€’ B – Toggle sidebar
β€’ F – Flag or clear flag
β€’ R – Reply to all
β€’ a – Add contact to addressbook
β€’ a – Mark as unread
β€’ u – View unread
β€’ U – Show URLs
β€’ t – Select categories (tags)
β€’ D – pb-downloads
β€’ x – pb-delete
β€’ ,v – Play video
β€’ C-a – Leader key
β€’ BackSpace – Go back to previous directory
β€’ F5 – Previous channel
β€’ F6 – Next channel
β€’ Tab – View index
β€’ a – Fit height to page
β€’ D – Dual view
β€’ i – Invert colours
β€’ s – Fit width to page